The Labrador Retriever
History of the breed:
The direct ancestors of the black water dogs imported from Newfoundland are called labradors.
There are numerous testimonies which confirm the fact that the roots of this breed begin in Newfoundland.
Colonel Hawker points out in "Instructions to young sportsmen (1814)" that the dogs from this island differ between the
large Newfoundland dog and the St . John´s breed, a smaller dog: "By far the best hunting dog, more often black than other Colors,
hardly bigger than a Pointer. The St. John´s breed of dog is primarily used by the fishermen on the coast of the island.
These Dogs, excellently trained in retrieving waterfowl, are very useful and are preferred because they are smooth and short
haired as appodsed to the long haired variety, which is covered in ice when emerging from the water."
There are many sources dealing with the history of this breed. Today Labradors are not only used as hunting dogs but
frequently as Seeing Eye dogs, Service dogs, as drug and bomb detection dogs, rescue dogs, and are especially popular
as family dogs.